You may be a stranger in your immediate surroundings, and some self-evaluation and familiarization is suggested. If you dream that you are the alien, it suggests that you may feel detached from some parts of yourself and from others. Meeting and talking to aliens may suggests that significant changes are coming into your life and, at the moment, things feel strange and foreign to you. What these dreams symbolize, collectively or individually is difficult to explain and understand. Occasionally, people will have dreams about UFO’s and aliens. The Big Dictionary of Dreams | Martha Clarke Many people believe that aliens are another product of modernity, so there are no traditional interpretations of this dream. Getting used to a new environment often makes us feel like real Martians. The cause may be a recent event, such as a new job. What at first seems terrifying, over the time can become a great help for success. Perhaps, you have been behaving in an unusual way lately. First, you need to figure out what it is, and also, why you reject it. It marks an encounter with a part of you that you find strange or incomprehensible.

The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams | Stearn Robinson - Tom Corbett

You will make valuable new friends if you dreamed of being an alien -but if your dream involved dealing or meeting with aliens, important changes are coining your way. A part of self we have ignored, rejected or misunderstood a fear we have avoided.