Unfortunately, there's nobody playing the online multiplayer at the moment so bear that in mind if you're thinking of buying this. Its not a deep experience, but it was cathartic enough to hold my interest. The main character gets no development and doesn't have much of a personality. Sniper Elite is certainly enjoyable, but it's a little on the short side, the AI is poor, it ends abruptly and it's story is pretty silly. Sniper Elite (Gold) Finish all missions on highest difficulty: Target Eliminated (Silver) As a sniper in Overwatch, snipe 50 enemies tagged by your partner: Target Spotted (Silver) As a spotter in Overwatch, tag 50 enemies: Trainee Sniper (Bronze) Escape the German assault: Veteran Sniper (Bronze) Discover the location of the V2 launch site. The game is at its most generic when you're forced into close combat in more confined spaces, but thankfully there are many open battlefields and vantage points that provide ample chance for fun gameplay. Sniper Elite V2 is, unsurprisingly, the most fun when it gives you opportunities to pull off long distance shots with your sniper rifle, and Sniper Elite V2 is, unsurprisingly, the most fun when it gives you opportunities to pull off long distance shots with your sniper rifle, and the bullet cam that appears after some kills is rewarding and satisfying to watch. With all DLC missions included, take the fate of the war into your own hands, and hunt the Fuhrer himself. Witness the terrifying power of your bullet as it enters an enemy's body. All new graphics and rendering technology gives you improved ball busting X-ray kill camera detail. Master authentic weaponry, stalk your target, fortify your position, set up the shot, and use your skill, patience and cunning to achieve the mission. Stealth is key as you find yourself trapped between two desperate armies in a race against time. You must aid key scientists keen to defect to the US, and terminate those who stand in your way. Your mission is to prevent Nazi V2 rocket technology falling into the hands of the Red Army.

Stealth You are elite sniper Karl Fairburne, parachuted into Berlin amidst the Germans' final stand.